Please be advised these are copies of official recorded documents.
They are NOT meant to be used to satisfy any legal requirements.
A stamped and certified copy may be obtained from the Charlotte County Clerk of Circuit Court.
This set of documents includes all of the following;
Exhibit B Articles of Incorporation for SGC
Exhibit C Amendments to the Articles of Incorporation
Exhibit D Bylaws at that time (not current, see below)
Exhibit E CC&R (Deed Restrictions)
Another part of the Covenant Revitalization Documents (2011)
(below) just lists the sections/owners at that time.
If you plan to build a residential or commercial building in SGC, it must be in compliance
with the SGC deed restrictions and architectural design requirements.
The deed restrictions override county zoning requirements when they are not the same.
See 'General Info' then 'Architectural Review Info/Forms' for requirements, instructions, and fee schedule.